Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Beanie, baby...

Just a quick update with a couple of photos. My sister-in-law might give birth on October 1st. So I am trying to finish up a couple of quick projects to present to her when baby is born.

Here is a picture of the beanie almost done...

And here it is all finished and ready for a little baby's head...

I used the hat pattern from Ann Budd's book. Added the crocheted flower from a pattern by Melissa of Action Hero. And topped it off with an I-cord knot. The yarn I used was the Bernat Sox on 4.5mm dpn's and it was doubled throughout.

Has anyone picked up a copy of the Interweave Knits Crochet? I've always had a difficult time with crochet. But with such great projects out there, it's inspiring me to pick up a crochet hook and try my hand at it. Check out Crochet Me...there's some cool crochet there.

I am enjoying knitting for a baby. Now all I need is to make some matching socks or booties...
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