Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Meathead done and the jogless jog...

The hat is ready to be sent. It was really fun knitting Meathead. I was done within an hour, which I think is a record for me. Tomorrow it goes in the mail. I can't wait to see the complete project!

I'm done with the swatch for the tea cozy. It's too small to run the washer for felting. I will be hand felting it instead. Photos of the process will be up soon.

As for the Oli tank, I'm having a bit of a quandary. I didn't realize that there is an actual technique to disguising the color jog...when you change colors, there is a misalignment of the stripes at the beginning of a round. The stripes are higher on one side than the other. Like this...

I was under the impression that it was something I had to live with when knitting stripes. Then I ran across this tutorial. My dilemma is whether to rip and start over. Or to continue on and learn my lesson of the jogless jog.

What to do...what to do???
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