Thursday, September 02, 2004

Honolulu knitters...

Last night was a meeting of the Honolulu Stitch 'N Bitch. We had several new members arrive and it was wonderful to see all the different projects. I will take more photos at the next meeting. I get so involved with everyone's knitting that I forget that I have my camera with me.

I did manage to snap this one of Jen with her scarf. It's done in Red Heart with a k2p2 stitch pattern. This is Jen's very first finished object. She is she should be. The scarf looks great. I am also very proud of her. I taught Jen to knit this past spring and she is doing just fine. Yea, Jen! I can't wait to see her next project...

My Meathead kit arrived! I'm very anxious to get started on this hat. Besides instructions on the how's and when, Larissa included several ounces of Web's natural 1/1 roving. Surprisingly, I managed to find the US19's required for the hat right at a local Ben Franklin(but was shocked at what they were actually charging me for it...ouch!). Silly me, I thought the tea was something required for the hat. I even read the pattern twice looking for instructions on what to do with it. Until I realized it was a little gift for me. Yum...can't wait to brew a cup and sit down to knit.

I guess by now everyone has seen the new Magknits. I love Frida. Not sure how often I will need to use a poncho here, but I want to knit it. One of the yarns recommended is the Mission Falls 1824 cotton. I have ten skeins in navy that haven't been assigned to a project. I also like the Swirt. I have several skeins of Trendsetters Zucca which is comparable to the GGH Esprit.

Do you have any favorites?
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