Friday, June 25, 2004

Swatch it, baby...

Swatching is good for the soul

I swatched for what is going to be the Tank of Many Colours, a design by Chris Behme, featured on Magknits. A cute little tank top for my daughter.

The pattern calls for Mission Falls 1824 Cotton. I wanted to use something I already had in my stash. So I decided on using Cotton Classic II from Tahki. I have a lime green, a bright pink, and some yummy orange. I think the yarn was originally destined to become a cell phone cozy from "Stitch 'N Bitch".

The swatch shows both the St st and moss stitch required in the pattern. I am using bamboo circulars in 5.5mm. And although I've found cotton to be slightly difficult to work with because of its "stiffness", I love the stitch definition. The colors are really fun together. Perfect for an eight-year-old.

I'm ready to cast-on for my first garment...
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