Friday, June 18, 2004

Sophie in process...

This is my Sophie bag done in Noro Kureyon#55. The photo came out too dark(okay, it looks like a big, dark blob), but hopefully it at least shows I've made some progress in the last few days. Having my daughter here is very exciting...and tiring. I haven't had much time to knit. She has fallen asleep early this evening. I will take advantage of this and do some knitting. Or sleeping...

The following is the Chinese Charm Bag from Debbie Stoller's "Stitch 'N Bitch" which I finished back in April. I used the Noro Gemstone in #8 and although I was only able to find faux bamboo handles, I am pretty happy with the results. The yarn was an ebay acquisition. I would like to try this bag again in another type of yarn.

I am patiently waiting for my ebay purchases. As soon as those come in, I can cast on for the Honeymoon tank. My last purchase arrived very quickly, within a week of winning my bid. I spoke to Opal and she is still waiting for a purchase she made at the beginning of the month. I hope I won't have to wait that long.

Hoping the postman will have goodies for me tomorrow...
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