Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Sophie done...

Here she is...pre-felting...

Obligatory garden shot

Tomorrow, a trip through the washer?

Sophie, stay just the way you are

After much thought, it has been decided that I will leave Sophie in its original state. The Noro Kureyon looks so wonderful as is. All it needs is some blocking, a lining, and a nice button closure.

Tonight's S'n'B was great. We had a couple of new members. And I think more time was spent chatting then knitting. It's always wonderful to hear how everyone began knitting. Our group has multi-talented members. Some also spin and weave. Carol raises her own angora rabbits(sorry, we missed you tonight). And Opal was so nice to gift my daughter with a spindle, some roving and a lesson. Sharon arrived with a couple of vintage knitting needle sets from her mother and some great vintage patterns. It was so much fun to look through them. Opal also had some great yarn from Uruguay...beautiful.

I forgot to take pictures during, but was able to take a couple before I left. Here they are...

From left to right: Opal, my daughter, and Geri, who not only knits but also weaves.

This is another of myself with daughter and Geri.

I also picked up some needle felting kits that Opal had ordered from The Bellwether. They are the Pin Pal kits.

I am looking forward to learning how to needle felt. I think these would look very cute on a small tote bag or felted cellphone covers.

Now that I am done with Sophie, I must decide what project to start next. I feel like doing something bright and colorful...
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